
Eeep! I just realized I never shared my third and final book on here! If you’re following me via social media though, you saw this a while ago. *wink wink* In case you haven’t witnessed it’s magnificence… ta da!


Vultures should be ready to the world sometime next year! I don’t have a date as I am not done with the first draft yet, but it’s over halfway done. If you haven’t read the first two books, I have just one question. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!

Here is a tiny snippet of the first chapter. Very tiny since it’s still in it’s infancy stage.

“Waves of electricity slowly made their way out of her system as she stuck to the floor like a paralyzed victim. Every minuscule thought infiltrated her mind leading up to that exact point. She thought she had been ahead of him, but the truth was, he was always ahead. Malik had too many eyes. As large as the Sparrows rebellion seemed, the Vultures tripled them. Was it always a losing battle, no matter what she did? She hated thinking that way, but her current position left her no alternative.”

Also, here are the links if you want to find out why this cover is so badass. 😉

Fliers – Book 1

Sparrows – Book 2

(Also, if you have read these already, please leave a review! I would love to hear what you thought!)

Happy Trails

Laura Mae ❤

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